
The following publications are related to the Interface Refactoring Catalog:

Mirko Stocker, and Olaf Zimmermann. 2023. “API Refactorings to Patterns: Catalog, Template and Tools for Remote Interface Evolution.” In 28th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2023), July 05–09, 2023, Irsee, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA 32 Pages. (PDF)

Mirko Stocker, and Olaf Zimmermann. 2021. “From Code Refactoring to API Refactoring: Agile Service Design and Evolution.” In Service-Oriented Computing, edited by Johanna Barzen, 174–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing. (PDF)

Zimmermann, Olaf, and Mirko Stocker. 2021. Design Practice Reference - Guides and Templates to Craft Quality Software in Style. LeanPub. (Website

Zimmermann, Olaf, Mirko Stocker, Daniel Lübke, Uwe Zdun, and Cesare Pautasso. 2022. Patterns for API Design: Simplifying Integration with Loosely Coupled Message Exchanges. Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Vernon). Addison-Wesley Professional. (Website)

Patterns for API Design Cover Image