More Refactorings Workshopped and Published (EuroPLoP24)


We submitted another seven interface refactorings to this year’s EuroPLoP writer’s workshop. Starting from stakeholder concerns and API design smells was seen to be useful, and the detailed guidance by example appreciated. The carefully chosen names for the refactorings were particularly appreciated for their readability, and the extensive references and footnotes will provide a rich source for their own work. One participant even suggested that it should be made into a book, with more introduction and context for newcomers. Again, we received a lot of helpful and constructive feedback on how to improve the refactorings and their presentation.

The open-access paper “Pattern-oriented API Refactoring: Addressing Design Smells and Stakeholder Concerns”, to appear in the ACM Digital Library, is available for download via the publications page of this website. We hope that we considered all the feedback we received and that the refactorings are now even more useful for practitioners and researchers alike.